Capability Development Grant (CDG Grant)

What is the Capability Development Grant?

Administered by Spring Singapore, the Capability Development Grant (CDG) is a financial assistance programme that helps you develop capabilities across 10 development areas, ranging from raising service standards, adopting technology to staff training and overseas expansion. The grant supports a wide-ranging of capability upgrading initiatives to help you grow your businesses locally and globally.

How much funding does it provide?

The grant defrays up to 70 percent of qualifying project costs.

Is my business eligible?

  • Registered and operating in Singapore
  • At least 30% local shareholding
  • Group annual sales turnover ≤ S$100m or group employment of ≤200 employees

How can it help YOUR business?

The CDG Grant can be utilized for customized enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems that help to automate your business to improve your business productivity. At Sidera, we pride ourselves in having an integrated, all-in-one customer relationship, marketing & sales, invoicing, support, inventory, and email management system.

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